Memorial plaque to Dusho Hadzydekov and those who died for freedom
Plovdiv, Ostromila district, next to the roundabout, 1998

The title of the monument is conditional. This is the resting place of 123 Bulgarians – patriots, killed by the Turkish army in January 1878 when leaving the city, as revenge for the loss. Among them is the great patriot and freedom fighter Dusho Hadzydekov.
The memorial was commissioned to Victor Todorov and opened with a solemn ceremony at the end of 1998.
In its original form – apart from the high cross, the two pedestals and the commemorative plaque – on the lower pedestal there was a female head with a headscarf, representing grief, suffering and mourning. Some time passes, and one day the memorial dawns in disgrace. The woman’s head was broken beyond recognition.

Vandalism and nihilism have no face, no historical, party or political affiliation. The female head had to be dismantled and the memorial has remained in its current form ever since. Every year, a pilgrimage is organized at this place in memory of the fallen heroes.

See all zoomable photos of the monument here: